To strive to becomes and be a recognized department for its excellence in teaching, research and service in mechanical engineering utilizing the post modern techniques and infrastructure
- To provide a quality education for the students that enables them to become successful ethical Engineers in Mechanical engineering related professions.
- To develop and enrich mechanical engineers with application oriented knowledge.
- To extent useful service to the local, state, national, and international technical and social communities through technical, entrepreneurial, and professional activities.
About Department

Dr. K. Raj Kumar
Head of the Department
The department has successfully established various research groups working independently or in collaboration with various industries towards meaningful goal driven research activities. Such ventures ensure industry-institute interaction that puts theory into practice thereby improving the overall quality of academia.
Supported by 9 state-of the-art laboratories, the department has categorized its various research activities under
- Energy Research Group (Solar & Thermal Systems)
- Computer Aided Engineering Group (FEA & CFD)
- Manufacturing Engineering Group (Production, Materials, Metallurgy & CAD/CAM).
The department is a front-runner in organizing result oriented workshops for its student community.
Autodesk Fusion 360’ training are a few significant examples.
MOUs has been signed with suzlon, and aradu vaayu wind mill to share facilities and expertise in order to improve technology through advanced research and education.
The department has signed MoU for facilitating the advanced machining Laboratory for the projects from ISRO etc in exchange of industrial technical expertise for student skill development.
Keeping in view the challenging job-market awaiting its students, the department ensures that they are equipped with industry relevant skills during their curriculum.
Training programmes on CATIA, ANSYS, CFD, AutoCAD, and CNC part programming are conducted on a regular basis which benefits both students and the faculty.
International learning and knowledge propels students towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural, community perspectives.
Department has initiated various student exchange programs with foreign universities

B.E Mechanical Engineering

M.E Energy Engineering
Events & Activities

RTES '19
National Level Technical Symposium
Date : 8th March, 2019
Chief Guest : Mr. U.T.S Pillai, CSIR

Cultural Fest
Date : 15th February, 2019

Motivational Speech
Date : 28th January, 2019
Presenter : Dr. K. Sasi, CEO, Cape Institute of Technology

MESAR - 2k18
National Level Technical Symposium
Date : 10th March, 2018
Chief Guest :
- Dr. K. Manivannan, Vice President (IFEES), Vice President (ISTE), CEO – Mohamed Sathak Group of Institutions

ICAMM 2017
Date : 9th & 10th March, 2017
Cheif Guest :
- Mr. Y. Meenakshy Sundaram Pillay, Deputy General Manager, NLC India
- Dr. Mohammad Jawaid, Department of BioComposite Technology, University Putra Malaysia
- Dr. Mohamed Thariq Bin Haji, Director / Head of Research Center of Excellence, University Putra Malaysia

Composite Materials and Its Applications workshop
Date : 16th & 17th February, 2017
Chief Guest :
- Dr. J.T. Winowlin Jappes, M.E, Ph.D, Sr.Professor & Head, Department of Kalasalingam University
- Dr. P. Sathiya, M.E, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Deaprtment of Production Technology, NIT, Trichy
- Dr. G.R. Jinu, M.E, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UCEN

Date : 15th October, 2016
Chief Guest :
1. Dr. M.B. Athreya, Advisor to Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi, MAKE IN INDIA Programme
2. Prof. Dr. Krishnan Baskar, vice Chancellor, MS University

MESAR 2k16
National Level Technical Symposiumn
Date : 23rd March, 2016
Chief Guest : Mr. A. David Dason GM, ISRO, Mahedragiri

ICAMM 2015
Date : 27th & 28th March, 2015
Chief Guest :
1. Prof. Dr. Sandro Campos Amico, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do sul, Brasil.
2. Alan, Research Associate, Brasil.
SL. NO | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. T. Sasi Kumar | Professor |
2 | Dr .K. Raj Kumar |
Associate professor/HoD |
3 | Dr. A. Amala Mithin Minther Singh |
Associate professor |
4 | Mrs. S. Shenbagavalli |
Assistant Professor |
5 | Mr .S. Milan |
Assistant Professor |
6 | Mr. K. Kathiravan | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mr. T. Abinesh | Assistant Professor |
8 | Mr. D. Susi Raja Praphakaran | Assistant Professor |
9 | Mr. C. Suren | Assistant Professor |
10 | Mr. E. Rajesh | Assistant Professor |
11 | Mr. P. Bala Dinesh | Assistant Professor |
12 | Mr. A. Lingam | Assistant Professor |
13 | Mr. M. Ganapathy | Assistant Professor |
14 | Mr. Johnny Varghese A | Assistant Professor |
15 | Mr. B. Prasath | Assistant Professor |
16 | Mr. W. Jenefer Wilber Robert | Assistant Professor |
17 | Mr. D. Senthil kumaran | Assistant Professor |
18 | Mr. S. Thanabalan | Assistant Professor |
19 | Mr. S. Nagarajan | Assistant Professor |
20 | Mr. H. Abish | Assistant Professor |
21 | Mr. E. Prakash | Assistant Professor |
22 | Mr. S. Sivaram | Assistant Professor |
23 | Mr. G. Arun | Assistant Professor |
24 | Mr. Ruban Blessed Singh | Assistant Professor |
Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s)
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering curriculum is designed to impart Knowledge, Skill and Attitude on the graduates to
- Have a successful career in Mechanical Engineering and allied industries.
- Have expertise in the areas of Design, Thermal, Materials and Manufacturing.
- Contribute towards technological development through academic research and industrial practices.
- Practice their profession with good communication, leadership, ethics and social responsibility.
- Graduates will adapt to evolving technologies through life-long learning.
Program Outcomes (POs)
- Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
- Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
- Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
- Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
- Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
- Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
- Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
- Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
- Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):
- Able to identify, formulate and solve mechanical engineering problems with academic excellence.
- Able to inculcate technical / management skills for better employability.
- Able to enhance team work, professional communication and application of theoretical knowledge to practical problems.
Department Achievements
- MOU signed with Trio Technologies, with an agreement of Five years from the year 2018.
- MOU signed with Shree Ganesh pvt ltd, with an agreement of seven years from the year 2013.
- MOU signed with Cromwell Energy pvt ltd, with an agreement of Ten years from the year 2013.
- MOU signed with Educad Technologies, with an agreement of Six years from the year 2013.
- DST, Government of India (FILE NO. DST-INT/Brazil/P-11/2/2013) funded an amount of One Crore.
- Indo-Brazil Bilateral conference has been hosted with foreign delegates on the year, 2013.
- Establishment of M.E Energy Engineering in 2012
- Centre for Advanced Materials 2012
- Centre for Alternate Fuels 2012
- Intake was increased to 120 in 2012
- Establishment of Cape Renewable Energy Research Centre(CRERC) (Joint Venture with C-WET) in the year 2008.
- Establishment of Mechanical Engineering student association (MAESTRO) in the year 2008.
- Established in 2006 with an intake of 60.
- 354 Students have participated in the motivational talk “ Inspiring Ignited Minds” by Dr.A.Sivathanu Pillai, DS & CC R & D, CEO, BRAHMOS on 2nd January 2015.
- International Conference On advanced Materials and manufacturing – ICAMM 2K17 was organized on 9th & 10th March 2017. Mr.Y.Meenakshy sundaram Pillay, Deputy General Manager, Corporate Planning, NLC India was the chief guest for the conference.
- Second International Conference On advanced Materials and manufacturing – ICAMM 2K15 was organized on 11.04.13 & 12.04.13. Dr.A.Sivathanu Pillai, MD, Director of BROMOS, DRDO, P.C.Bai, NIIST, Trivandrum and Dr. T.P.D. Rajan, NIIST, Trivandrum graced the conference as Chief guest.
- International seminar on BIO-COMPOSITES was conducted on 31/10/2014. Dr.Vivane Muniz Fonseca, Brazil was the key note speaker for the function. The seminar was arranged by centre for research, department of mechanical engineering.
- International seminar on Polymer Tribology was conducted on 12/01/2015. Dr.Jacob sugumaran, Belgium and Mr.Alan brum,Brazil was the resource person for the seminar.
- National Conference on “Recent trends in engineering and Science” was organized by MAESTRO , the association of mechanical engineering on 8th March 2019.
- A Mega Cultural Fest for the mechanical students was organized by the fine arts club of Cape institute of technology on 15 February 2019. Students participated in various events like solo song , group song , Solo Dance , Group Dance , Dump Charade, flash mob etc.
- On September 29, 2016, a motivational seminar is conducted in the Department of Mechanical engineering by Mr. vivekanandar.
- On September 9, 2016, an Entrepreneurship Development Programme is conducted in the department of Mechanical engineering by Mr.Jayakumar & Mr. K.Marimuthu
- Eminent alumni of cape institute of technology and Design Engineer in one of the top most MNC’s TCS at present, Mr. V.K.Saran had a good interactive session with students of mechanical department. This session carried out on 9 th August, 2016.
- On August 5, 2016, a motivational seminar is conducted in the department of Mechanical engineering by Mr. Rajan
- On 28 July 2016, a seminar on solar energy was conducted in department of Mechanical engineering by Mr.Nalluri Bhargav, Manager Convalt ltd.
- We conducted Renewable Energy Meet on 24-10-2009. And the chief guest for the program is Mr. Swang Chen Yan, China
- We organised A National Level Technical Symposium on 22-03-2016. And the chief guest for the program is Mr.A.David Dason GM, ISRO, Mahedragiri.
- We conducted a A National Level Technical Symposium on 11-10-2012 and 12-10-2012 And the chief guest for the program is Dr.L.Jhon Berchmans, Principal, Scientist CECRI, Karaikudi.
MAESTRO – An Association of Mechanical Engineering
The branch association ‘Maestro was formed in the year 2013. The association is headed by the Association secretary (elected head) and guided by two faculty advisers. It regularly conducts technical events which include workshops, short term training programmes, robotics workshops, technical talks and seminars. It also publishes a yearly technical magazine in which students contribute articles about recent technical developments in mechanical engineering.
Convenor :
Dr. N.Subramonia Pillai H.O.D/MECH
Staff Secretery :
Dr. K.Rajkumar A.P./Mech
Staff Treasurer :
Mr. M.Vadivel subash A.P./Mech
Student President :
Student Secretary :
Student Treasurer :
Vice President :
Vice Secretary :
Ms. Janani , III Mech
Executive Members :
- Ms. T. Amutha, III Mech
- Mr. Gandhi mathi nathan , II Mech
- Mr. ramakrishnan, II Mech
College Campus
04652 - 268 077
Levengipuram (near Anjugramam),
Rajakrishnapuram P.O,
Thirunelveli dist – 627114
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