National Service Scheme (NSS)

REPORT (08.03.2016)

  1. A blood donation camp was organized to donate blood to Kanyakumari Medical College hospital on Sep 09, 2015. Dr.Carolin Geetha Blood bank officer was the guest of honour. 78 participapated and donated blood on that day.
  2. NSS day was celebrated on Sep 24, 2015, Dr. S.M.R.Joseph Ramesh, NSS PO, St.Xavier’s college of Engineering was the guest of honour.
  3. A blood donation camp was organized on Oct 5, 2015, to donate blood to Tirunelveli medical college hospital and on that day 52 students donated blood.
  4. On Dec1, 2015, World AIDs day was celebrated, Dr.R.Arun Kumar, was the guest.
  5. A tree plantation camp was organized in the college campus and on Dec 12, 2015. Around 300 saplings were planted by NSS volunteers.
  6. National Voter’s day was celebrated on Jan 25, 2016 on that day all the members took oath.
  7. One day works shop on Stress and Mind management was organized on Feb 8, 2016 along with Sri Sathya Sai Seva organization of KK Dist. Prof Santha Mani from ANJAC Sivakasi conducted the work shop.
  8. One day work shop on Eye donation awareness was conducted on Feb 29, 2016. Lion Dr, Ganesh gave the orientation and awareness to students about Eye donation.

Blood Donation Camp (22.09.2015)

A blood donation camp was organized by the NSS & Blood Donors Club at College premises on September 8, 2015 Tuesday. The medical team headed by Dr.Carolin Geetha, Blood Bank Officer, Kanyakumari Medical College Hospital collected blood from various donors on that day. Dr.N.Azhagesan, Principal gave welcome address, Dr.P.Arun Kumar, CEO inaugurated the blood donation campaign and Dr.Carolin Geetha Medical Officer gave a key note on Blood Donation and its advantages. Dr.S.Regupathy, NSS PO gave vote of thanks.

The Management, CEO, Principal, Staff members of Cape Institute of Technology, whole heartedly congratulates the 79 blood donors donated their blood on 08.09.2015 Tuesday, to Kanyakumari Government Medical College Hospital. The members donated blood on 08.09.2015 is listed below: